My Books
Your Reviews
Santosh Kalwar
Punkkerikatu 1 B 10
53850,Lappeenranta, Finland
Your reviews
"My name is Hawwi and I just wanted to tell you that I love your work! I'm 19 years old and currently studying creative writing. I'm motivated to persevere whenever I'm touched by quotes or poetry. I don't know exactly how one makes a name for themselves as a writer but I do know that's what I was born to do. I'm only a work in progress but it's the one thing I'm truly passionate about and writers like you remind me what I'm aspiring to become. I guess I just wanted to say thank you. :)" ---Hawwi (studying creative writing)
"You are a very talented poet and I wish you many great success. Thank you for being an inspiration! :) I like your humour! MAD... Mad.. full of FUN!" ---Gabriela Romaria (Artist, Reader)
"I accidently went to your website and saw your writings, poems etc. I'm speechless, those are so beautiful, pure and real. I just get so impressed that had to say something to u. I know u might be too busy and getting so many emails so this might disappear somewhere...
I saw that u have written something about behavior on internet, that was really interesting as well. I have experienced that myself how different person even I can be so that stopped me somehow, and what kinda addiction that can be...trying to avoid that though...ah i'm sorry to bother u keep going n have a nice time writing and what ever u r doing! Enjoy! =)"
--Anne Sorvisto
"Dear Santosh, when I read your words then I feel you, I see you being alive...through the sadness of the madman I feel someone who isn't afraid to die and who is alive in the neverending story....as a heart sharing his joy...Thank you, Love. " - Hildegarde Follon
" I appreciate YOU, as your words are always so thoughtful and straight from YOUR heart. Gruss Gott. Kisses." -Marit Runyon
"Santosh Kalwar is an inspiring person." --CloverQuotes
" There is definitely a method to your madness.It's nice to see that you dance with all paths. All paths lead to God." -Elaine B. Street
"You are so beautiful Santosh. And so smily! You made me love a lot. Euh⦠Laugh a lot!" -Catherine Martinez
"you have a smooth voice, may inspiration never leave you and keep you always busy." -Annie
"You made me smile and smile!!!! You are so "cute" ⦠I look forward sharing with you about love and faith." -Johanne Mercille

For Conceptualizing and measuring human anxiety on the Internet
"Your work sounds truly fascinating." – Professor Sherry Turkle
"A well motivated and worked out thesis with a lot of actuality." – Professor Mauri Kaipainen
"Fascinating Insights." – Professor Katherine Blahski
"It is extremely well executed and very interesting." – Professor Larry Rosen
"Precious and interesting work." – Dr. Elvis Mazzoni
"Significant contribution to the field...When we have PhD vivas in the UK our approach is to assess the rigor and validity of the research …I did enjoy exploring the different aspects of your research with you and found it an insightful experience myself. We all always have things to learn and the learning never stops...you are a most diligent and conscientious person from what I have had the opportunity of seeing."
– Dr. Praminda Caleb-Solly
"Your work sounds very interesting." – Professor Niklas Ravaja
For That's My Love Story
"Interesting this idea of when dreams are shattered, then the mind rules over the soul.” – Paulo Coelho (author of international best-seller, The Alchemist)
"That’s My Love Story by Santosh Kalwar is a wonderful story full of very good object lessons and very sound advice. I am intrigued by the story and its development. I think that the plot and the characterization is well done.
The publisher, Mahaveer, obviously recognized the value of this story. There have recently been many excellent books from writers out of India, which are top notch and show a great depth of feeling and wisdom in their work. I love this story.” – Reviewed by Bil Howard for Readers' Favorite
“I nurture a sincere empathy for you, because being a science student you could venture to ride on a fiction, albeit fiercely based on your personal life. Bravo!” – Reviewed by DB Gurung (author of Breaking Twilight)
"माया प्रेमलाई मुख्य विषयवस्तु बनाएर लेखिएको उक्त अंग्रेजी भाषाको उपन्यास संम्भवतः चितवन जिल्लामै पहिलो अंग्रेजी भाषाको उपन्यास रहेको" - धनराज गिरि (वरिष्ठ गजलकार)
"It's a magnificent read." - Nirmal Kumar Thapa (author of Yuvak--released by Manisha Koirala, popular Bollywood Actress)
"This powerful and profoundly inspirational story is a tale of a man named Prem. Throughout this book Prem is mostly reflecting back on his life. He reveals the sadness he felt as a child growing up in Nepal, and all the bullying he had to endure through school. He also recounts the deep loneliness and depression he suffered due to failed attempts at love. He even recalls his desire to commit suicide. That's My Love Story, written by Santosh Kalwar is basically a well penned, poetically written, positive motivational read for people who struggle dealing with life lessons and coping with failure." – Stephanie Lasley for The Kindle Book Review
"That's My Love Story is a sweet and simple story about Prem, a lovesick young man who simply has no luck with the ladies. The book starts off with Prem and an old man climbing a mountain and discussing life. Or rather, the old man is imparting his wisdom on Prem. I have to say this was my favorite part of the book as pure golden nuggets of wisdom rolled off the older man's tongue. Eventually, Prem decides to tell the old man his sad story from birth to the present. This next part of the book is fast-reading and very interesting as it follows the life of a young man born of Indian parents living in Nepal. The grammar is a bit off, which made reading the story seem like taking a peek into someone's journal. Nothing is left out in this re-telling, including trips to prostitutes, smoking dope, masturbation. However, it is told very simply and without exaggeration or arrogance, as if a child was writing this. In actuality, Prem is allowing the reader to follow him as he grows up so much of this reminiscence IS told from a child-like view. The ending was very quick, a little too quick for me, but it was highly satisfying. If you want to read a feel-good book that also makes you think about life and love with new eyes, this is the story for you!" – Cindi Clubbs Read For Your Future
"That’s My Love Story, by Santosh Kalwar published this year is a story of a young man and his search for true love. I started to read the eBook and was so engrossed that I finished it within a day...After reading around 15-20 love stories till date, I found this rather interesting and inspirational one." – Spectralhues
For Adventus
"I really love these poems." --Katie
For Warrior of Light
"These poems are great." --A.J. Kauffman (Editor, NPB)
"Santosh Kalwar's "Warrior of light" chapbook is a veritable image gallery of warrior’s observations. Well structured and it has been edited by famous editor and songwriter of Poland, A.J. Kauffman, and equally well packaged as the poetic masterpiece of a soldier.
Kalwar's voice is unique and credible, unlimited beyond the scope of any boundaries or barriers. At times, he is brilliant. Nevertheless, mostly, his verse touches deepness of soul.
--Reviewed by John Dyke (Blogger, Reader)
For Quote Me Everyday
Rating: 4 Stars
"Santosh Kalwar most recent book is a series of quotes. There is one for everyday of the year. From January 1st through December 31st the reader will find a collection that includes inspiration, positive thinking and words of wisdom. After reading quotes and mind evoking thoughts by such notables as Gandhi, Einstein, Shakespeare, Norman Vincent Peale and others, the author set out on his own journey of writing a book of quotations. One of my favorites through the book is from May 11th.
"It does not matter how much you receive, it matters when you learn to give."
There is a quote for everyone for at least one day of the week, month or year in Santosh Kalwar's newest book "Quote Me Everyday.""
--Reviewed by Readers Favorite (Debra Gaynor, Founder of ReadersFavorite.com )
"Thank you for every word.., Santosh !!!" --Doha Bemmouna(Reader)
"I love your quotes is this book of yours, For example this one is my personal favorite: LIFE is for one day, love is for every day! " SO beautiful... SANTOSH.. you are a ROMANTIC LIKE ME!!!! hehehhe =))" --Gabriela Romaria (Painter, Reader, Artist)
"All the quotes are wonderful and inspiring, good work." --Bikash Subba (Reader)
"WoW.. hats off Swaami to your work...I am looking certain page..your work is awesome and appreciable...." --Udhyan Timilsina (Reader)
For The Vandana and Other Poems
"Great title Santosh! The title is incredibly beautiful... I think of our dreams as being prayer in motion. So perfect, Vandana and other poems. Blessings" - Jane Stewart (Blogger, Reader)
"Fragile poet portraits his delicate angel, The Vandana" --Justatopic
For Obscurity
"The book cover looks nice. I like the Picture in the book. Hoping poems are also good."
-Teemu Puhakka (Reader, Finland)
"The Best …"
-Pabitra Basnyat (Reader, Nepal)
"For the book cover: I like the red and the tree trunk at the front [...] Lopsided, yeah, it works."
-Elaine. B. Street (Teacher, USA)
"For the book cover: I think the picture is wonderful, the cover is bold and red."
-Liina Lindpere (Reader, Estonia)
"[WOW], enjoying your heartfelt poems."
-Jane Stewart (Reader, USA)
For The Warrior
"These poems deserve to be read slowly and thoughtful to glean the true meaning. Often you must read between the lines. The Warrior consists of twenty five poems focusing on the life of a warrior, the slaughter of men, and the death of a warrior.
The poems are very short and simple. Each person will interpret the poems differently. The Warrior will leave the reader pondering." --Readers Favorite
"Beautiful and very professional design! I like the Picture in Red with the ancient warrior! Good luck with your book!" -Mirela Baron (Reader, Blogger)
"WOW, looking forward to reading, Santosh : )" - Jane Stewart (Reader, Blogger)
"Hi Santosh ! I like the black and red color in the book cover design! Wishing you every success !" -Theresa Goubran-Keshta (Reader, Motivator)
"I can't wait to read it because, I like poems on warriors. Great cover caption :)" -Kenedy Yinkfu Chuye (Reader, Blogger, Friend)
"Thank you very much for these poems, really enjoyed it..." - Anuj Dhoj Thapa (Reader, Teacher)
For An Aphrodisiac
"Actually I love it..." - Hildegarde Follon (Blogger, Reader)
"…extremely enticing!" - Elaine B. Street (Teacher)
"I like the design and the title very much...very appealing!!!" -Theresa Goubran-Keshta (Blogger, Reader)
"Possibly, your book contains great poetry or the philosophy of shaded nature in philosophical way. onnea ennanko." - Manoj Regmi (Reader, Blogger and Student)
"BRAVO Santosh! You are so, so, so talented...sexy & spiritual in a brilliant combination.." - Marit Runyon (Project Manager, Motivator, Educator)
"Writing poetry needs very creative talent..you hve nurtured the great skill.." - Bhanu Prasad Jaiswal (Stock Trader)
"I enjoyed the last poem very much, soulful (my eyes read, but felt the words). Looking forward to reading An Aphrodisiac. Blessings" - Jane Stewart (Blogger, Reader)
For You Can
"You Can" is a short book of poetry that will motivate the reader. The poems have an inspirational side to them. There is a deep meaning in each entry. Two of my favorites from this book are:"The Wind Of Love" and "You Can". "If you can held your head high, and walk through the path of loneliness," Fans of poetry will enjoy this short book.
--Reviewed by ReadersFavorite.com
"Just complete reading THE WIND OF LOVE... and its good...INSPIRE YOURSELF... I liked it the most..." - Shagar Pratap Sharma (Reader, Blogger and Student)
"Bravo Santosh! Bravo! I LOVE every word & poem in your new 'You can'." - Marit Runyon (A motivator, educator, planning expert, project manager)
"I read the book and....I think it was one of the best ones until now. There were some really good poems that I like. I see you are improving and keep on writing. :)" - Teemu Puhakka (Blogger, Researcher)
For I Am Dead Man Alive
Santosh Kalwar is a prolific writer. His latest offering is a book of poetry with the theme of death. I Am Dead Man Alive’s verses are short. "God Save The Flag" speaks of the many patriots that sacrifice their blood for the flag. "O Dream" speaks of the release of death. "The Child" speaks of the death of a child. "Old Women" was one of my favorites. It made me think of someone dear to me. There comes a time when death is a welcome release. Our friends and family have gone before us, and we seem to be left behind. Another favorite was "Nobody Remembered Me." We will be remembered for only a short time after our death. Santosh Kalwar speaks with great wisdom. Death is inevitable. It happens to all living things. A tiny seed sprouts, pushes its head through the soil, and eventually blooms. Slowly the bloom dries out and the plant withers away to make room for the next generation. Death is a vital part of life. I Am Dead Man Alive is a short book at a mere 60 pages. The poetry is well-done. Santosh has penned several books. I believe this one to be his best. --Reviewed by Readers' Favorite

For 20 Love Poems and the Economy Crisis
Nominated for "Poetry Book Of The Year 2009" - Featured on SORMAG Blog
"Well, Santosh, I took your free book. Thank you. I started to read, yes, you have talent. As far as I read it seemed a melancholic quite desperate tune, I know there are such feelings; just now I need something to cheer me up. Anyways, you are able to transmit your emotions to the reader, I will read all, and I love poetry a lot. Good luck for more books dearest Santosh, keep writing. An honor to know a person like you are, God bless you."
-Alexandra (Reader, Blogger at Paulo Coelho's Blog)
"I have read many times your comments on Paulo Coelho's official blog, dear Santosh Kalwar! And I want to say Thank You! You are a beautiful inspiration many times for me and specially your poems! The very authentically children in us"
-Mirela Baron (Reader, Blogger at Paulo Coelho's Blog)
"Dear Santosh, I read most of the poems, poems always intrigue me and transfer me to another space! Possibly missed 2 or 3, but I loved many of them, I think my favorites are 5 and 9 and 16. I will definitely go back on them. You are such a beautiful soul. Thank you for this gift."
-Annie (Reader, Blogger at Paulo Coelho's Blog)
"Dear Santosh, Santosh, you are climbing up the ladder, a real mountaineer.
Keep up the good work."
- Marie-Christine (Reader, Blogger at Paulo Coelho's Blog)
"Santosh, I read your poems. They are Lovely! I can feel the pain and love in them. Great work!" -Lily (Reader, Blogger at Paulo Coelho's Blog)
For 25 Sexy Poems
The book Praise for 25 Sexy Poems is a difficult read. I think poetry should have something for the reader to think about. The poems in this book, are very abstract and graphic in relation to a "sexy" style of writing. I would not recommend this poetry book to anyone with a reserved and an ultra-conservative lifestyle.
Most every poem in the book has extreme use of profanity in which one profanity word (the f-bomb) is used more than once in each line. The other form of poetry is written as a depiction of violence, with graphic detail. For instance in the poem titled "Rapist", a female is being violently raped, and as written, she sees the rape as a sense of pleasure and well accepted. In "Homicide Sex" it reads, "She was seen naked with her throat slashed." I envisioned a victim of death instead of a vision of romance.
This book perhaps should be used as a learning tool for a creative writing course with a sex research institution."
---Reviewed by Lisa M.for ReadersFavorite.com
"Santosh, I'm very impressed with your poetic writing, and want to thank you for sharing them with us. Most authors write about sex. In Norway there is a yearly competition of which writer has written worst about sex. Coelho was on the list last year, but didn't 'win'. It is delicate to write about sex in a poetic way. The Song of Songs does it, although people for centuries have discussed what the words mean, and if there is an actual lover, or if it is an experience of God. Good luck with your new book!"
- Marit Runyon (Reader, Blogger at Paulo Coelho Blog)
"Santosh, that just blew me away!! Wow! What can I say; I didn't want it to end! I would have never thought you were such a wild beast. Wow, Fantastic work! Viva la Libertad! I personally like to write about sex, but since they might be vulgar, I don't share them and haven't written many for just that reason. Santosh inspired me, maybe I'll write some myself."
- Carolena Sabah (Actress, Reader, Blogger at Paulo Coelho Blog) http://www.carolenasabah.com/
"Santosh ....this is my first experience with the sexy poems...I don't have words to praise this out it has forced my penis to erect for the several times unfortunate for me I was with several people while reading this poem. I will certainly read this poem once again alone. I think if people once read can get the better idea about it."
-Er. Kamal Panthi (Reader, Msc in Information Technology)
For ...109 Quotes, 07 Poems and a Song of despair...
"Heartfelt words 'Near You' As long as one is expressing the way they feel poetically in their own words that can never be wrong. In my opinion people need to learn how to accept others instead of wanting them to be who they want them to be, As long as we are being who we really are and share our hearts that is all that really matters.
-Gwendolyn Thomas Gath (Author of the book, "From the Heart of an Artist: Quiet Storm")
"This book of Quotes is full of great motivational success quotes brother, keep it up mate......."
-Sushil Kumar Kalwar (Reader, Blogger and My younger Brother)
"Very passionate writing and visions in love! The line, on poem 'Near You', 'If you cannot see me, then I was never yours'; Beautiful poems, Carol Hawks."
- Carol A Surber (Author of the book, "It's ok Eli")
"Nice Quotes, Santosh." - Candie Bracci (Reader, Blogger at Paulo Coelho's Blog)
"Felt great about the words from "...a song of despair…", if Beatles would have been today, they would have, great song out of your golden words."
-Rajiv Paudyal (Reader, Editor of http://www.wraz.net63.net )
For Human behavior on the Internet
"Excellent abstract"
- Blinded Reviewers, HCI International 2009 (On Conference paper in San Diego, California)
"Mr. Santosh Kalwar has shown extraordinary level of independence, autonomy and originality for an undergraduate student, the work related to his thesis has already provided scientific contribution as one IEEE journal and one HCI conference article has been accepted."
-Professor Jari Porras
"This is a really interesting idea: studying the anxiety levels of Internet users. The research compiled through the sources seems very complete as well."
-Blinded Reviewers, IEEE Potentials (On Journal article -Human behavior on the Internet)
"The work done for the thesis included versatile and challenging literature review due to multidisciplinary nature of the work."
-Dr. Sc (Tech) Kari Heikinen
For A very first book of Poems: Heartbreak
"This is a writing of wonder and your words make me ask the same of my own life. Truly unique and lovely! Love gives us the hope. Your writing tells of your love of someone else to be happy."
- Carol A Surber (Author of book, It's ok Eli)
"May be one is too many, or not enough, or just right. Makes me wonder! Thank you"
- On poem "May be",Tony Jenkins (Spiritual Poet)
"I enjoyed May be? 'Thousand of words in my mind' just by itself sound poetic. Not one of our stories is alike and your life sounds so exotic, so far away ... Happy writing"
- Linda Newton Perry (Author of book, "Forced blood the Norseman")
"Well done Santosh. It's really heartbreaking and disturbing sometimes. The way you write is sincere and there's al lot of emotion in it. Read them all and will read them again. I have loved "Scientific people, unscientific mind" and that sentence:"between religion and science, all that matters is human lives", some are forgetting that on both side when money matters are coming. I also liked "Heartbreak I and II" and many more. The two last ones, illustrated, are my favorite. Great work, I know it's unbelievable how you are able to express through words when you are in pain and in love, I know. It's unbelievable, magic and after you are asking yourself, where did that come from?"
-Candie Bracci (Reader, Blogger at Paulo Coelho's Blog)
"Well done Santosh." -Leaf (Reader at Paulo Coelho's Blog)
"Santosh- Thank you for the book of poems, I downloaded it and read what you had to say about love. I like it. I will read the rest when I have time. Congratulations! I also find it inspiring that you are writing poetry and you didn't major in English or Philosophy. Proof that everything is relevant to one's path, I hope that makes sense."
-Grace (Reader at Paulo Coelho's Blog)
"I like your poem, Santosh! Good luck with your book!"
-Savita Vega (Reader, Blogger at Paulo Coelho's Blog)
"Santosh K- Well done, I like all of your poems. You are very talented. Wish you lots of success."
-Marie Christine (Reader, Blogger at Paulo Coelho's Blog)
"Congratulations Santosh! May you receive the reward & success you desire, God bless you too"
-Paul from Austria (Reader, Blogger at Paulo Coelho's Blog)
For Yet another book of Poems
"CONGRATULATIONS, my dear young man from Himalaya! Iâm kinda busy these days, but will try to take a look at it and give you some feed back."
-Marit Runyon (Associate Professor)
"This is an awesome creation man...you are doing great social work by writing wonderful poems." -Anonymous
"Hi bro, I just downloaded your 7th book and enjoying your wonderful poems. Just one worked 'SUPERB' -------
These few words from your poem made me think about life more seriously.
One day, I will leave this flesh and blood
One day, I will physically be absent
One day, I will never walk in your land
One day
I will no longer write anything
One day
You will no longer read my creation." - Bishwas Hamal
For Happening:Poems
"I read your latest book: Happening Poems and it was really good. I like the poems and the themes although it some of them was maybe a little bit dark or sad. I see you are becoming a good writer and soon u will be famous." -Teemu Puhakka